
Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

There are many benefits to well aligned teeth.

Teeth are easier to keep clean and healthy, there is balanced pressure on teeth, there is slower wearing down of enamel, the teeth and smile look good, the jaw joint gets more balanced pressure and the bite is more efficient.

We offer all types of treatments to align teeth. These include braces and aligners. Treatment duration can vary from several months to a few years.

Fixed braces are available in metal, ceramic or transparent to correct a variety of issues caused by poor alignment of teeth.

Aligners are a series of transparent snug fitting trays which move the teeth to a more favourable position. All active treatment is followed up with retainers to hold the teeth in their new position.

Early intervention: This is when Orthodontics starts in a young child (5-10 years) soon after the need is recognized. This often involves fixed or removable appliances that are placed in the mouth to carry out specific functions. An example of this is to correct a front tooth cross bite or to encourage the jaw to grow to make space for crowded teeth.

Fixed braces: These are braces that are fixed on teeth (usually on the front of teeth but sometimes on the back of teeth). They are available in metal and ceramic.

Less visible braces: We have fixed braces with transparent brackets that are less noticeable when talking and smiling.

Invisible braces: We offer lingual braces where the braces are placed on the back of teeth and not visible from the front.

Aligners: Often, we can use transparent removable trays instead of fixed braces to align teeth. The trays when worn over teeth in a certain sequence, slowly straighten these teeth. Our Orthodontist is an Invisalign certified Orthodontist.


Types of orthodontic treatments available:

  • Fixed braces -metal, ceramic and transparent
  • Removable functional appliances
  • Fixed functional appliances
  • Habit breaking appliances
  • Extra – oral appliances (eg. chin cap, head gear)
  • Orthodontic Trainers
  • Space maintainers
  • Self Ligating braces
  • Lingual Braces
  • Orthodontics using Orthodontic implants
  • Aligners
  • Combination Orthodontic treatment with jaw surgery